Allied Professionals of AET

Educational therapists collaborate with all the significant people concerned with the student’s learning, and they focus not only on remediation but also on building self-awareness and underlying learning skills to help clients become more self-reliant, efficient learners.


When To Find An Educational Therapist

An educational therapist is skilled at gathering, synthesizing, and coordinating information from other specialists in order to develop and implement remedial programs. In addition to working closely with parents and school personnel, educational therapists interface regularly with a multitude of allied professionals.

A Career As An Educational Therapist

Educational therapists often begin in allied professions before discovering their "true calling" as an ET. Does this sound like you?


The Educational Therapist - Journal

AET publishes The Educational Therapist twice each year. This peer-reviewed, professional journal is part of the EBSCO research database used by academic libraries in many colleges and universities.

Journal subscriptions are included with the membership in the association. Each issue has a featured article teased to the public in hopes that they find the topic educational.