Parents & Community Portal

Educational Therapy is a form of therapy used to treat individuals with learning differences, disabilities, and challenges. This form of therapy offers a wide range of intensive interventions that are designed to resolve learners' learning problems. These interventions are individualized and unique to the specific learner.

Educational therapists collaborate with all the significant people concerned with the student’s learning, and they focus not only on remediation but also on building self-awareness and underlying learning skills to help clients become more self-reliant, efficient learners.


Find an Educational Therapist

The Association of Educational Therapists (AET) is here to help you find a Board Certified Educational Therapist (BCET®), an Educational Therapist/Professional (ET/P®), an Associate Educational Therapist, or an Allied Professional member of the association in the United States or Canada.

What's the difference between Educational Therapists and Tutors

While a tutor generally focuses on teaching specific subjects, an educational therapist’s focus is broader.


How Educational
Therapy Can Help

The need for educational therapy may be identified in a number of ways. If your child or adolescent has never been identified by specialists or school personnel, you may have observed some of indicators.

Why Should You Engage An AET Educational Therapist

There are very few university programs nationally that confer degrees in educational therapy nor is there yet state licensure in the US. For these reasons, AET has established educational standards and ethics that define the profession, safeguard the public, and inform you that the educational therapist you engage has the necessary training and skills that your child deserves.


FAQ & Tips For Parents

Here are several tips for parents that help navigate this new frontier of educational therapy with your children or students. Discover the best educational therapy tips for parents to homework hassles, forgetful child, resistant child, executive functioning, and more.

Resources For Parents

Explore numerous educational therapy resources from online sources to books to podcasts.



Read helpful and honest feedback from parents about their experiences with an AET Educational Therapists.