
As a service to members, other professionals, and parents, AET hosts live webinars covering a wide variety of topics related to educational therapy. New webinars are added on a regular basis, recorded and made available to members and the public in the Webinar Archive.

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Upcoming Webinars


Date: Thursday, September 12th, 2024
Start time: 12:00 pm CDT, 10:00 am PDT

One of the benefits of working in a diverse environment is the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and roles. Yet, that same environment can also create experiences where biases and exclusion exist. In order to address these biases, organizations must create the structures to help us name, own, and interrupt bias when we see them. Join Dr. Liza Talusan as we explore the ways we can address issues of bias in the workplace, and create a more healthy, positive, and engaging professional community.

Members: $15.00
Non-members: $25.00

Recent Webinars

Structured Literacy: An overview of what it is and how ETs can utilize it


Members: $50.00
Non-members: FREE

Magic & Mayhem: Transforming the Writing Experience Through Story Workshops

Our primary goal in every session with students, whether in small groups or in private one-on-one sessions, is to create a positive experience and generate enthusiasm for the learning process. Whenever possible, we begin with story writing because it taps into our natural creativity and ideas.


Members: $50.00
Non-members: FREE

In our complex, hierarchical society, learning disabilities and ADHD interact in multi-directional ways with race, class, gender, sexuality, and ethnicity on neurological, behavioral and academic levels. While neither we nor our students can escape the society in which we live, we can take concrete steps to understand and address the external circumstances of our students to become the best allies and educational therapists possible. Join board certified educational therapist Diana Kennedy to explore the concrete steps we can take to best support all our students.

In our complex, hierarchical society, learning disabilities and ADHD interact in multi-directional ways with race, class, gender, sexuality, and ethnicity on neurological, behavioral and academic levels. While neither we nor our students can escape the society in which we live, we can take concrete steps to understand and address the external circumstances of our students to become the best allies and educational therapists possible. Join board certified educational therapist Diana Kennedy to explore the concrete steps we can take to best support all our students.


Members: FREE
Non-members: FREE

Duration: 60 minutes

Preparing for IEP, and Other Meetings With Kaye

This webinar explores the case management role of an educational therapist in the process of preparing themselves, students, and families for IEP, 504, and other team meetings.


Members: FREE
Non-members: FREE

Duration: 90 minutes

What Educational Therapists need to know about supporting Trans Students and their families

What Educational Therapists need to know about supporting Trans Students and their families

As educational therapists are encountering and supporting more gender questioning, gender fluid, and trans youth and young adults, it is critically important for us to be well informed about the challenges that these students are experiencing and the resources available to guide us as practitioners.


Members: FREE
Non-members: FREE