Please access the following videos to support your efforts toward the ethical and professional practice of educational therapy.
Duration: 174 minutes Recognizing and dealing with ethical issues is an essential part of our work as educational therapists. Because we work with complex clients, we often encounter dilemmas that require us to make challenging decisions about what action to take. Each dilemma must be handled ethically and effectively. An ET's scope of practice can become blurred when clients have complex needs around social and emotional issues. A parent asks you to assess for eligibility or to gain accommodations. Can you legally and ethically do that? ETs in schools face different dilemmas. Do you prioritize the school policies, its teachers, or the needs of the individual student? How do you decide? Have you ever struggled to resolve a disagreement with a parent, teacher, or allied professional? Business practices can also present dilemmas. Learn what issues others have faced. A panel of Board Certified Educational Therapists will present real-life scenarios that illustrate ethical dilemmas from their own practices. They will also explain the ethical thought process they used to make decisions about what actions to take. The scenarios will include issues from a variety of practice settings as well as issues related to the scope of practice. The presentation will be moderated by Risa Graff and will provide time for related audience questions.
| Members: $50.00 | |
Approaching Ethical Dilemmas: A Framework for Anticipating, Analyzing, and Addressing Ethical Issues in Clinical PracticeApproaching Ethical Dilemmas: A Framework for Anticipating, Analyzing, and Addressing Ethical Issues in Clinical PracticeApproaching Ethical Dilemmas: A Framework for Anticipating, Analyzing, and Addressing Ethical Issues in Clinical Practice. KEYWORDS: ethics, clinical practice
| Members: FREE | |
Duration: 60 minutes The Ethics and Efficacy of Conducting Virtual Assessment: Some ConsiderationsPresented by: Marion Marshall, MS, BCET, FAAOP The Ethics and Efficacy of Conducting Virtual Assessment: Some ConsiderationsPresented by: Marion Marshall, MS, BCET, FAAOP KEYWORDS: virtual assessment, e-practice, assessment
| Members: $15.00 | |
Duration: 150 minutes 2020 Conference- Susan Fogelson Ethics Workshop2020 Conference- Susan Fogelson Ethics WorkshopEducational therapists periodically encounter practice dilemmas that must be handled ethically and effectively. Have you ever struggled to resolve a disagreement with a parent, teacher, or allied professional? Do you find it difficult to manage boundaries when faced with a parent who demands excessive time and drains your emotional energy? What useful information might you learn by analyzing your feelings about that parent? Who can you consult for advice and support? Business practices can also present ethical dilemmas. Is it difficult for you to set fees or discuss fee collection with clients? How do you represent yourself professionally on your business cards, website, or brochures? How do you adapt your practice to an online format? Participants will be able to generate solutions when there are disagreements between educational therapists and other professionals or parents; decide when professional consultation is needed in order to understand and maintain boundaries that promote healthy relationships with difficult parents; and identify areas of business practice that often present us with practical and/or ethical dilemmas.
| Members: FREE |
Susan Fogelson Memorial Ethics Panel 2023