Trending News
The AET Ethics Committee is offering their thoughts about working with clients who turn 18.
At the June 2023 Meeting, the Board of Directors passed a revision to the policy bring requirements for ET/P® and BCET® levels into alignment as they relate to one's Master's Degree. The revision also provides a possible path to Board Certification for those with Masters Degrees not specifically focused on education.
As our organization continues to grow and flourish with new members, we also want to be sure that those who retire from full-time ET work are given the recognition they deserve. In July 2023, The executive committee amended a procedure so that retired ET/Ps® and retired BCETs® may continue using ET/P® and BCET® after their name, as long as they stay current in the "retired membership category." Retired ET/Ps® and BCETs® will continue to be listed in the directory.
Marion Marshall, MS, BCET and Stacy Rotter MA, BCET composed this AET Fact Sheet that beautifully articulates who we are and what we do (and don't do). Please share it liberally with parents, community, allied professionals, and anyone else interested in understanding AET.
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